
Protecting Children in the Catholic Church

The Perth Catholic Archdiocese is committed to the safety and security of all children and young people.   The Diocese recognises the need to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults and aims to achieve this through the Safeguarding Project. The project is child focused and informed by a fundamental belief that children have the right to physical and psychological safety at all times.

Policies and procedures have been put in place throughout the parish and all clergy, staff and volunteers are required to comply with the policy, procedures and practices outlined in the project. Trained Safeguarding Officers have been appointed in our parish and their role is to assist you in all matters pertaining to concerns regarding the safety of children and vulnerable adults.

If you have any safety concerns about a person in the parish or about a child protection or child safety issue, you can discuss it with the one of our Parish Safeguarding Officers. Please phone Sue 0404 875 285Joan  0477 549 047 or Rose Clarke 0404 419 403.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officers are Joan Burke, Sue Wright & Rose Clarke.

Joan Bourke  Sue Wright

Joan Burke, Sue Wright & Rose Clarke

Safeguarding Office

The Archdiocese of Perth is the first of Australia’s Catholic dioceses to begin to establish Safeguarding Officers across its network of parishes. The Safeguarding Office is responsible for ensuring the safety of children, young people and the vulnerable within the confines of the Catholic Church across the Archdiocese of Perth, educating the Catholic community on child protection and protective behaviours, and establishing Safeguarding Officers within Perth’s metropolitan and rural parishes.

Director Safeguarding Program: Andrea Musulin 29 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9221 7762


We have launched our new website. You can find out more information by clicking the link below. Website:


We understand that abuse is traumatic and therefore how we respond to abuse victims and survivors can affect them profoundly. The Archdiocese is also aware that the effects of abuse are different for each individual. While some will go on with their lives others will experience lasting difficulties and may require ongoing support and assistance.

While the Archdiocese can offer pastoral support to abuse victims and survivors, here are some resources that are made available to educate and promote safety & prevention.

National Catholic Safeguarding Standards Edition 2 December 2022

Parent / Carer

Protecting God’s Children

PGC Sticker Set

Love, Sex & Relationship

The Power of Freedom

A Parent’s Helper on Keeping Kids Safe

Helping Hand

Safeguarding Bookmarks

Basket Filler Stories

Parish / Agency

Professional Standards Office

The Western Australian Professional Standards Office (WAPSO) is charged with implementing the Towards Healing protocol throughout Western Australia.

The Western Australian Dioceses (Broome, Bunbury, Geraldton and Perth) and Catholic Religious Western Australia, in dealing with issues of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, follows the principles and procedures set out in Towards Healing, the Church’s national protocol for addressing these issues.

The protocol covers allegations and complaints of inappropriate behaviour against clergy, religious and other paid and voluntary personnel of the Catholic Church throughout Western Australia.

The WAPSO responds pastorally to survivors of abuse and manages the process that seeks to bring these people to a place of wholeness, hope and healing.

Director : Saxon Gee
Address: 29 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000, Australia
Mailing: 29 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000, Australia
Phone: (08) 9221 7762
1800 072 390

National Committee for Professional Standards Documents:

Integrity in Ministry 2010
Published on 03 April 2013    Modified on 31 July 2015

Integrity in Service of the Church
Published on 03 April 2013    Modified on 31 July 2015

Towards Healing 2010
Published on 03 April 2013    Modified on January 2016

Please visit the Catholic Church in Australia website for more Professional Standards documents

Safeguarding Newsletters


June 2023

OLG Kitemaking – Safeguarding


These photos are from the Wednesday Safeguarding morning tea at the Cathedral on 6th September 2023.

Various parish members were flying their parish kites.